Event Listener Reference
OpenWeb has client-side event listeners for multiple widgets to aid in tracking engagement or for other functionality.
OpenWeb's event listeners listen for events to occur on the client side and then execute the appropriate code in response. This reference explains the event listener syntax and details the available arguments.
All event listeners use the following syntax.
document.addEventListener(event, function)
Argument | Description |
event string | This is the name of the event. |
function function | This is the function to execute when the event occurs. |
As an example, you could add spot-im-current-user-sent-message-clicked
to a <script>
tag to trigger an event when a user sends a comment they have written. Then, the event.detail
will be logged to the console after the event is fired.
document.addEventListener('spot-im-current-user-sent-message-clicked', function(event) {
// event.detail includes information relevant to this event
Multiple events can be used within a single <script>
We strongly recommend that the
element is placed within the header. Any events that occur before the listener registration will be lost. Therefore, make sure events are registered as early as possible and before OpenWeb loads.
Function | Description |
spot-im-launcher-loaded | The Launcher script has loaded on the page. |
__OPEN_WEB__.initOW() | When called, OpenWeb modules load immediately.
BI Events
For BI events, subscribe to the
event stream to receive various event payloads from the analytics stream.
document.addEventListener('ow-analytics-stream', function(event) {
// event.detail includes information relevant to this event
Event | Description |
dfp-impression-viewable | A viewable impression has been logged for the display ad.
dfp-slot-render-ended | The display ad has finished rendering.
Conversation and Live Blog
When an event is shown with an
object in the following tables, this applies only to Conversation."event": { "detail": { "userId": "VIEWED_PROFILE_USER_ID" }, "meta": { "spotId": "SPOT_ID", "postId": "POST_ID", "module": "ASSET_GENERATING_EVENT", "host": "HTML_ELEMENT" | null } }
object is not returned for Live Blog events.
Comment Context Menu
Event | Description |
spot-im-clicked-delete-message | The user has clicked to delete a comment posted.
spot-im-clicked-edit-message | The user has clicked to edit the contents a comment posted.
spot-im-clicked-message-context-menu | The user has clicked to open the comment's context menu.
spot-im-clicked-mute-user | The user has clicked to mute another user. |
spot-im-share-type | The user has chosen to share the comment on a specific option. Event details include which share option was chosen. event.detail
Event | Description |
floating_unit_clicked | The user has clicked the floating unit. Event details include the state (type ) of the floating unit that was clicked and the platform (source ).event.detail
ow-embedded-link-event | The user has clicked a hyperlink or on an embed inside a comment. Event details include which type of element was clicked. event.detail
spot-im-comment-label-clicked | The user has clicked one of the comments labels.
spot-im-comment-reported | The user has clicked to report a comment.
spot-im-current-user-sent-message-clicked | The user has clicked the Send button.
spot-im-current-user-sent-message-failed | Message sending failed.
spot-im-current-user-sent-message-succeed | Message sending succeed.
spot-im-current-user-typing-end | The user has focused out of the text editor field.
spot-im-current-user-typing-start | The user has focused on the text editor field.
spot-im-hover-like-details | The user has opened the list of likers. Event details include the comment's ID.
spot-im-show-more-comments-clicked | The user has clicked the Show More Comments button.
spot-im-show-more-replies-clicked | The user has clicked the Show More Replies button. Event details include the parent ID of the replies and depth of the clicked message.
spot-im-user-down-vote-click | The user has clicked to down vote a comment.
spot-im-user-up-vote-click | The user has clicked to up vote a comment.
Initial Loading
Event | Description |
spot-im-conversation-loaded | The Conversation has loaded on the page.
spot-im-conversation-viewed | The Conversation is initially viewed by the user.
Notifications Menu
Event | Description |
spot-im-notification-drop-down-link | The user has clicked the notifications (bell) icon.
spot-im-user-notifications-click | The user has clicked a specific notification.
Possible |
spot-im-notification-marked-all-read | The user has marked all notifications as read. |
spot-im-notification-marked-read | The user has marked specific notification as read. See spot-im-user-notifications-click above for an event.detail example.
Options Menu
Event | Description |
spot-im-clicked-cog-menu | The user has clicked the cog menu button. |
spot-im-clicked-privacy | The user has clicked the Privacy button under the settings.
spot-im-clicked-settings | The user has clicked the Settings button. event.detail
spot-im-profile-drop-down | The user has clicked the Profile button. See spot-im-clicked-settings in the previous row for an event.detail example.
Sort Menu
Event | Description |
spot-im-sort-by-drop-down | The user has clicked the sort dropdown.
spot-im-sort-by-select | The user has changed the sorting of the Conversation.
Possible Sort Order Values: |
Events in this section apply only to Conversation.
Event | Description |
spot-im-clicked-tab | The user clicked on tab event.detail
User Profile
Event | Description |
ow-open-custom-user-profile | The the user has clicked the View Profile button of a specific user or user image or user name. event.detail
NOTE: To use this functionality, request custom user profile to be enabled from your OW PSM. |
spot-im-clicked-article-link-profile | The user has clicked on an article from a user's history view. Event details include the article's URL. |
spot-im-open-user-profile | The user has clicked the View Profile button of a specific user.
Event | Description |
spot-im-api-ready | This event listener notifies that the public API, such as SSO, is ready. |
spot-im-login-start | The user triggered a new log in process. For SSO implementations, listen to this event to show your login modal. |
spot-im-signup-start | The user triggered a new signup process. For SSO implementations, first ask your PSM to enable the signup button in the Conversation UI, then listen to this event to show your registration modal. |
spot-im-post-login | A user logged in to the system. Fired once after a successful login process. event.detail
spot-im-post-signup | A new user signed up. Fired once after a successful email or social network signup process. event.detail
spot-im-user-auth-success | Registered user authentication completed. Fires on every page load. event.detail
spot-im-user-logout | The user initialized a log out process. |
Popular in the Community
Event | Description |
spot-im-recirculation-item-clicked | The user clicked a Popular in the Community item. event.detail
spot-im-recirculation-left-clicked | The user clicked the left navigation arrow. |
spot-im-recirculation-loaded | This event listener notifies that Popular in the Community has loaded. |
spot-im-recirculation-right-clicked | The user clicked the right navigation arrow. |
spot-im-recirculation-viewed | The user viewed Popular in the Community. |
Event | Description |
openweb-reactions-voted | The user voted X times in the reactions module event.detail
Real Time
Event | Description |
spot-im-realtime-new-message | A new message appeared in the Conversation or the Live Blog in real-time. event.detail
Possible Possible Possible |
Event | Description |
spot-im-spotlight-CTA-click | The user clicked the Comment button event.detail
Possible |
Topic Tracker
Event | Description |
spot-im-topic-tracker-tag-followed | The user clicked to follow a tag on the Topic Tracker widget event.detail
Possible |
spot-im-topic-tracker-tag-unfollowed | The user clicked to unfollow a tag on the Topic Tracker widget event.detail
Possible |
Updated about 1 year ago