Import Comments

Make a one-time import of existing comments from a third-party platform

You can import comments and reviews from another platform to OpenWeb. This lets your users continue their conversations in OpenWeb's Conversation.

Manually import comments

Use the following steps to manually import comments to OpenWeb though a .csv file:

  1. Create a .csv file with column headers. The following table lists the required and optional columns for .csv file imports.


    Column headers are required in the .csv file.

    content*Message comment
    message_id*Unique third-party platform identifier for the comment
    post_id*Third-party platform identifier for the associated article
    user_id*Third-party platform identifier for the user
    user_nameUnique personal identifier used to differentiate between different users

    A username has the following characteristics:
    • Is greater than 3 characters, but less than 30 characters
    • Can be comprised of foreign-language characters
    • Cannot be comprised of delimiters, such as spaces, tabs, and other ASCII delimiters (/t, /r, and /n)
    • Cannot be comprised of special characters, such as < and >
    • Is preceded by the @ symbol when displayed

    If a username is already taken, OpenWeb appends random letters or numbers to generate a unique version of that username and registers it to the user.

    If a username is not provided, OpenWeb creates a username from the display_name, appends random letters or numbers to generate a unique version of that username, and registers it to the user.
    display_nameNon-unique personal identifier used prominently throughout the platform

    A display name has the following characteristics:
    • Cannot exceed 30 characters
    • Is comprised of a combination of letters, numbers, special characters, or spaces

    When not provided, the name will be Guest.
    image_urlURL of the profile image of the user

    This image is the avatar used for all comments created by the user. If the image_url is not set, OpenWeb selects a random avatar from the avatar scheme for the user.
    emailEmail of the user

    When not provided, OpenWeb is unable to match users to their comments if there is no SSO process that matches user IDs
    email_verifiedIndicates that the email of the user has been verified

    Possible Values:
    • true
    • false

    Falsely indicating that an email address has been verified violates OpenWeb’s terms of use. Once identified, OpenWeb will invalidate all users.

    When not set, this is set to false
    created_atUser account creation date

    This field should be in RFC 3339 format.

    When not provided, the user creation date is set to the current time .
    private_profileIndicates whether the user's commenting history and profile can be viewed by others

    Possible Values:
    • false (default)
    • true
    approvedStatus of a comment

    Possible Values:
    • approved
    • blocked
    • pending

    When not set, this is set to approved.
    written_atComment creation date

    This field should be in RFC 3339 format.

    When not provided, the comment creation date is set to the current time.
    parent Identifier (message_id) of a parent comment

    Use this field to associate a reply with its message.

    When not provided, all messages will be imported as basic comments, and replies will not be connected to their parents.
    absolute_likesTotal number of comment likes

    When not set, this is set to 0 likes (if we have this, we will have no user data associated with the likes).
    absolute_dislikesTotal number of comment dislikes

    When not set, this is set to 0 dislikes (if we have this, we will have no user data associated with the likes).
    ratingsReview score given by the user as part of submitting a comment

    Possible Values:
    • 1
    • 2
    • 3
    • 4
    • 5

  1. Share the .csv file with your PSM.