
OpenWeb’s single sign on (SSO) enables your registered users to participate in members-only conversations without an extra registration. To provide this user experience, your backend user management system must securely inform OpenWeb that a user is actively logged into your site.

SSO Authentication

SSO Handshake Overview

  1. Initiate an OpenWeb SSO session. The OpenWeb SDK generates an SSO session ID (codeA).
  2. Send the SSO session ID to your backend user management system.
  3. Validate that a user is logged into your system. You must ensure that the current user logged into your site will also be the current user in the OpenWeb user session.
  4. From your backend user management system, make a GET /sso/v1/register-user call to OpenWeb's backend. The API call must include the following information:
    • Your secret access token (access_token)
    • Session ID generated after initiating the SSO session (code_a)
    • Required user details from your backend user management system (primary_key, user_name).
      OpenWeb's backend logs in the user and returns a success response (codeB).
  5. Pass codeB to the OpenWeb SDK. Successfully completing this process results in logging in a user.


For the Standard Authentication and Third-party Provider SSO approaches, the OWAuthentication protocol is used.

public protocol OWAuthentication {
    func sso(_ flowType: OWSSOFlowType)
    func userStatus(completion: @escaping OWUserAuthenticationStatusCompletion)
    func logout(completion: @escaping OWDefaultCompletion)
    var renewSSO: OWRenewSSOCallback? { get set }
    var shouldDisplayLoginPrompt: Bool { get set }

Standard Authentication

Use the following recipe to implement SSO authentication for known users.


If the user is already known and has saved persistence on the publisher's end, the user can be automatically logged into the publisher system and then logged in through the OWAuthentication SSO methods.

Third-party Provider SSO

Use the following recipe to implement third-party provider SSO.

In some scenarios, you may need to trigger a login interface before a user can perform an action, such as posting or replying to a comment.

In these scenarios, the OWUIAuthentication protocol is used.

public protocol OWUIAuthentication {
    var displayAuthenticationFlow: OWAuthenticationFlowCallback? { get set }

Actions Requiring Login

Authentication must be completed in the following way:

  1. The app displays the iOS SDK UI.
  2. The unauthenticated user attempts to perform an action that requires login, such as posting, liking, or disliking a comment.
  3. A closure displayAuthenticationFlowClosure under OWUIAuthentication is triggered to present a login UI.
  4. The user logs in using the app credentials.
  5. The backend for the app logs in the user.
  6. The app initiates the steps described above at OWAuthentication protocol for SSO authentication.
  7. Upon successful SSO authentication, the the app closes the login UI which was shown by displayAuthenticationFlowClosure triggering .

Use combination of the following code AND recipe to implement this authentication scenario.

var manager: OWManagerProtocol = OpenWeb.manager

var authenticationUI: OWUIAuthentication = manager.ui.authenticationUI
let displayAuthenticationFlowClosure: OWAuthenticationFlowCallback = { routeringMode, completion in
  // Implement your custom login flow or use a popup for standalone components.
  // After a successful login, initiate and complete the SSO flow.
  // In flow mode, adjust the UI, such as popping up or dismissing the login view from `navController`.
  // Call `completion()` after your UI adjustments. Since the SDK progresses to the next screen once `completion()` 
  // is called, call `completion()` only after fully dismissing the UI or adding a 250ms delay.
	// Login prompt other items inside the SDK will be auto-handled and dismissed. 
authenticationUI.displayAuthenticationFlow = displayAuthenticationFlowClosure

Renew SSO

Regardless of the SSO approach used, you must implement OWRenewSSOCallback.

Renewing SSO ensures uninterrupted user connectivity. It is triggered when the existing authenticator for a previously connected user becomes invalid. This process silently re-establishes the user's connection without requiring any direct action.

// Renew SSO
let renewSSOClosure: OWRenewSSOCallback = { userId, completion in
  // Follow the SSO authentication steps.
  // Remember to invoke `completion()` after the renewal process.
authentication.renewSSO = renewSSOClosure


// Logout
let logoutCompletionClosure: OWDefaultCompletion = { result in
    switch result {
      case .success(_):
        // All good
      case .failure(let error):
        // Handle the error / Show appropriate user UI
authentication.logout(completion: logoutCompletionClosure)

User Status

// User status
let userStatusCompletionClosure: OWUserAuthenticationStatusCompletion = {
    switch result {
      case .success(let status):
        switch status {
          case .guest:
            // Handle guest status
          case .loggedIn(let userId):
            // Handle logged in status
      case .failure(let error):
        // Handle the error / Show appropriate user UI
authentication.userStatus(completion: userStatusCompletionClosure)



Logs out a user

authentication.logout(completion: logoutCompletionClosure)


Starts or completes the authentication process

Argument Description
OWSSOFlowType OWSSOFlowType Defines the start or completion of the SSO authentication process

See: OWSSOFlowType


Retrieves a user login status

authentication.userStatus(completion: userStatusCompletionClosure)

Enumerations, Structs and Type Aliases


typealias OWAuthenticationFlowCallback = (
  completion: @escaping OWBasicCompletion
) -> Void
Property Description
completion OWBasicCompletion Termination of the callback

See: OWBasicCompletion
OWRouteringMode OWRouteringMode Determines the UI navigation strategy

See: OWRouteringMode


Termination of the callback

typealias OWBasicCompletion = () -> Void


Empty completion that returns an error if one occurs

typealias OWDefaultCompletion = (Result<Void, OWError>) -> Void


public typealias OWProviderSSOHandler = (Result<OWSSOProviderModel, OWError>) -> Void
Property Description
OWSSOProviderModel OWSSOProviderModel Struct containing the third-party user ID

The user ID enables the user to be logged into OpenWeb.


typealias OWRenewSSOCallback = (
  userId: String, 
  completion: @escaping OWBasicCompletion
) -> Void
Property Description
completion OWBasicCompletion Termination of the callback

See: OWBasicCompletion
userId String OpenWeb-provided user ID


Property Description
OWRouteringMode OWRouteringMode UI navigation strategy

Possible Values:
  • .flow(navigationController: UINavigationController): For a flow implementation, sends the navigationController (either supplied by the developer during OWUIFlow API interactions or generated by the iOS SDK) to navigate the authentication process
  • .none: For a view implementation, signals to display the authentication screen on top of the original navigationController or to present another partial view or form for the user login


typealias OWSSOCompletionHandler = (Result<OWSSOCompletionModel, OWError>) -> Void
Property Description
OWSSOCompletionModel OWSSOCompletionModel Struct containing the user ID

The user ID enables the user to be logged into OpenWeb.


Property Description
OWSSOFlowType OWSSOFlowType Single sign on flow

Possible Values:
  • .start(completion: OWSSOStartHandler)
  • .complete(codeB: String, completion: OWSSOCompletionHandler)


    The codeB value is the user ID returned in OWSSOCompletionHandler.

  • .usingProvider(provider: OWSSOProvider, token: String, completion: OWProviderSSOHandler)


Property Description
OWSSOProvider String Third-party identity management providers for single sign on

Possible Values:
  • .auth0
  • .foxid
  • .gigya
  • .hearst
  • .janrain
  • .piano


typealias OWSSOStartHandler = (Result<OWSSOStartModel, OWError>) -> Void
Property Description
OWSSOStartModel OWSSOStartModel Struct containing codeA

The codeA string value is the OpenWeb SSO session ID.


Property Description
OWUserAuthenticationStatus OWUserAuthenticationStatus Access status of the user

Possible Values:
  • .guest
  • .ssoLoggedIn(userId: String)


typealias OWUserAuthenticationStatusCompletion = (Result<OWUserAuthenticationStatus, OWError>) -> Void
Property Description
OWUserAuthenticationStatus OWUserAuthenticationStatus Access status of the user

See: OWUserAuthenticationStatus

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