Customization options
Change default settings to enhance your brand
The OpenWeb Android SDK allows you to customize the appearance of different app features to create a seamless UI and branding experience for your users.
User experience
The ConversationOptions.Builder()
allows you to customize aspects of the conversation user experience, such as the theme and comment sort order.
Use the following steps to configure the appearance of the Pre-Conversation fragment and Conversation:
- In your
, useConversationOptions.Builder()
to create and define aConversationOptions
object named options.
Supported Configuration Settings:
val themeMode = SpotImThemeMode.DARK
val backgroundColor = Color.parseColor("#000000")
val options = ConversationOptions.Builder()
.addTheme(SpotImThemeParams(false, themeMode, backgroundColor))
- Add the
argument to the Pre-Conversation fragment, Conversation, or create a comment screen in theActivity
SpotIm.getPreConversationFragment(CONVERSATION_ID, options, object :
SpotCallback<Fragment> {
override fun onSuccess(fragment: Fragment) {
// doSomething...
override fun onFailure(exception: SpotException) {
// doSomething...
SpotIm.getConversationIntent(context, CONVERSATION_ID, options, object :
SpotCallback<Intent> {
override fun onSuccess(intent: Intent) {
override fun onFailure(exception: SpotException) {
// Handle error here
SpotIm.getCreateCommentIntent(context, CONVERSATION_ID, options, object :
SpotCallback<Intent> {
override fun onSuccess(intent: Intent) {
override fun onFailure(exception: SpotException) {
// Handle error here
- (Optional) Monetize the Conversation.
PreConversation style
sets the preConversation appearance.
val options = ConversationOptions.Builder()
Argument | Description |
style OWPreConversationStyle | Initial appearance style
Possible values:
Number of displayed comments
limits the number of comments a Pre-Conversation fragment displays.
val options = ConversationOptions.Builder()
Argument | Description |
counter Int | Integer between 0-16 that determines number of comments displayed
Default: 2 If this argument is < 0, only 2 comments are displayed. If this argument is > 16, a maximum of 16 comments are displayed. |
Sort order
sets up a SpotImSortOption
parameter that defines the initial sort order of comments.
val options = ConversationOptions.Builder()
Argument | Description |
sortOption SpotImSortOption | Type of sort order
Possible values:
Sort options naming
setCustomSortByOptionText(sortOption, R.string.customTitle)
establishes the custom name of a comment.
val options = ConversationOptions.Builder()
.setCustomSortByOptionText(SpotImSortOption.BEST, R.string.customTitle)
Argument | Description |
sortOption SpotImSortOption | Type of sort order
Possible values::
r.string.customTitle | Custom text for comment name |
Color theme
addTheme(SpotImThemeParams(isSupportSystemDarkMode, themeMode, backgroundColor))
sets up a SpotImThemeParams
class that sets the sorting background color and the Conversation theme.
val themeMode = SpotImThemeMode.DARK
val backgroundColor = parseColor("#000000")
val options = ConversationOptions.Builder()
.addTheme(SpotImThemeParams(false, themeMode, backgroundColor))
Argument | Description |
isSupportSystemDarkMode Boolean | Defines if the Partner app supports system dark mode
This should be set to false to enable the themeMode argument to be defined by addTheme() . |
themeMode | OpenWeb theme to be applied to the Pre-Conversation and Conversation
Possible values:
backgroundColor Int | Background color for the Pre-Conversation fragment and Conversation when the themeMode is SpotImThemeMode.DARK .
The value of this argument is ignored when the themeMode is SpotImThemeMode.LIGHT .
Current article details
configureArticle(Article("URL", "THUMBNAIL_URL", "SUBTITLE"))
sets up an Article class that defines the current article.
Please contact your PSM to learn more about comment labels and set remote configurations related to comment sections or labels.
When custom labels are set up in the config, call configureArticleSection()
with a custom section name to enable or override the existing default section.
val options = ConversationOptions.Builder()
In the following scenarios,
should not be called:
- If the default comment label section is set up in the config, comment labels will be enabled on all Conversations. There is no need to call
.- If the comment label config is not set up, calling
will have no effect.
Article header visibility
To hide the article header, set .setDisplayArticleHeader(false)
val options = ConversationOptions.Builder()
Read-only status
controls whether additional comments can be added to a specific article.
val readOnlyMode = ReadOnlyMode.DEFAULT
val options = ConversationOptions.Builder()
Argument | Description |
readOnlyMode readOnlyMode | State of read-only mode
This attribute must be set to true to prohibit additional comments or replies from being posted.
Possible values:
UI Elements
The CustomUIDelegate
allows you full access to customize UI components, such as the login prompt, Conversation footer, navigation title, and more. Customizing different components enables you to adjust elements as if the UI were your own.
Use the following steps to configure the captions of different UI components:
- Set a
SpotIm.setCustomUIDelegate(object: CustomUIDelegate {
override fun customizeView(viewType: CustomizableViewType, view: View, isDarkModeEnabled: Boolean) {
when (viewType) {
CustomizableViewType.LOGIN_PROMPT_TEXT_VIEW -> {
val textView = view as? TextView
// set your own customization
// set more customizations to another CustomizableViewType
- Define and customize the
CustomizableViewType Reference
# | CustomizableViewType option | CustomizableViewType script |
1 | Login prompt TextView | LOGIN_PROMPT_TEXT_VIEW |
2 | Say control TextView in Pre-conversation | SAY_CONTROL_IN_PRE_CONVERSATION_TEXT_VIEW |
3 | Say control TextView in conversation | SAY_CONTROL_IN_CONVERSATION_TEXT_VIEW |
4 | Community question TextView | COMMUNITY_QUESTION_TEXT_VIEW |
5 | Conversation footer View | CONVERSATION_FOOTER_VIEW |
6 | Navigation title TextView | NAVIGATION_TITLE_TEXT_VIEW |
7 | Community guidelines TextView | COMMUNITY_GUIDELINES_TEXT_VIEW |
8 | Create Comment action button | COMMENT_CREATION_ACTION_BUTTON |
9 | Read-only label | READ_ONLY_TEXT_VIEW |
10 | Empty state read-only label | EMPTY_STATE_READ_ONLY_TEXT_VIEW |
11 | Pre-conversation header title TextView | PRE_CONVERSATION_HEADER_TEXT_VIEW |
12 | Pre-conversation header comments counter TextView | PRE_CONVERSATION_HEADER_COUNTER_TEXT_VIEW |
13 | Show more comments button | SHOW_COMMENTS_BUTTON |
You can replace the OpenWeb Android SDK's default fonts with your own custom fonts. Using custom fonts tailors the viewer experience to your brand.
Use the following steps to add custom fonts to your app:
In the app module in Android Studio, add your font to the res/font directory.
In the following screenshot, three fonts have been added to the res/font directory:
- big_shoulder_bold.ttf
- big_shoulder_italic.ttf
- big_shoulder_regular.ttf
- Create publisher_custom_font_family.xml file with the following code.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<font-family xmlns:android=""
<!-- regular -->
app:fontWeight="400" />
<!-- italic -->
app:fontWeight="400" />
<!-- bold -->
app:fontWeight="700" />
- In res/values/styles.xml, add the following entries.
<style name="SpotIm.Theme.Dark.Language">
<item name="android:fontFamily">@font/publisher_custom_font_family</item>
<item name="fontFamily">@font/publisher_custom_font_family</item>
<style name="SpotIm.Theme.Light.Language">
<item name="android:fontFamily">@font/publisher_custom_font_family</item>
<item name="fontFamily">@font/publisher_custom_font_family</item>
Updated 9 months ago