The OpenWeb SDK's OWHelpers protocol helps streamline your development process.

This protocol grants you extensive control over non-UI-related features:

  • Use Conversation Counters for real-time insights on replies and comments
  • Customize logging strategies with the OWLoggerConfiguration
  • Define the UI language with various options through the OWLanguageStrategy
  • Adapt your app dates and numbers formats with options through the OWLocaleStrategy
public protocol OWHelpers {
    func conversationCounters(forPostIds postIds: [OWPostId],
                              completion: OWConversationCountersCompletion)
    var additionalConfigurations: [OWAdditionalConfiguration] { get set }
    var loggerConfiguration: OWLoggerConfiguration { get }
    var languageStrategy: OWLanguageStrategy { get set }
    var localeStrategy: OWLocaleStrategy { get set }

The following sections explain how to configure and define these settings.


Conversation Counters

To show your users the engagement levels of specific Conversations, you can display the number of user comments that have been posted to all requested conversations.

By referencing the post IDs you can add the user comment counts for those Conversations.

var manager: OWManagerProtocol = OpenWeb.manager

var helpers: OWHelpers = manager.helpers
// Conversation counters
let conversationCountersClosure: OWConversationCountersCompletion = { result in
    switch result {
      case .success(let counters):
      // All good
      let postIds: [String] = Array(counters.keys)
      for postId in postIds {
          let counter: OWConversationCounter = counters[postId]!
          let repliesNum = counter.replies
          let commentsNum = counter.comments
          // Update your UI / Do the work you need
    case .failure(let error):
      // Handle the error / Show appropriate user UI
helpers.conversationCounters(forPostIds: ["firstId", "secondId"],
 completion: conversationCountersClosure)



When you configure the logger, OpenWeb disregards any pending logs. OpenWeb will not create files for these logs.

We strongly recommend configuring the logger after the initialization method. This ensures that files will be created for any pending logs.

Without impacting app performance, the iOS SDK logging system can help you troubleshoot your implementation of the iOS SDK. No logs are sent to OpenWeb's backend servers.

The iOS log files offer the following benefits:

  • Viewing logs in the console.
  • Saving logs locally in the application's Document directory.
  • Generating logs that can be submitted with a support ticket when issues are hard to reproduce.
  • Help OpenWeb improve the stability of future SDK builds.

The logging system has minimal performance impact:

  • Log files are created in the OpenWebSDKLoggerFileCreationQueue queue with a .background priority.
  • All other logging functions are performed in the OpenWebSDKLoggerQueue background queue with a .utility priority.
var manager: OWManagerProtocol = OpenWeb.manager

var helpers: OWHelpers = manager.helpers

let loggerConfig: OWLoggerConfiguration = helpers.loggerConfiguration
loggerConfig.level = .verbose
loggerConfig.methods = [.nsLog, .file(maxFilesNumber: 20)]
Setting Description
level string Determines the amount and type of information logged by the iOS SDK

Possible Values:
  • .none: No logged items (Debug Symbol: -n)

  • .error: Logged items (Debug Symbol: -e
    • Errors

  • .medium: Logged items (Debug Symbol: -m)
    • Errors
    • General information

  • .verbose: Logged items (Debug Symbol: -v)
    • Errors
    • General information
    • Any other available information

Default: .verbose
methods array Defines the methods by which the logs are stored or displayed

While the following options can all be used together, we recommend using one of the following combinations:
  • [.nsLog, file(maxFilesNumber: Int)]
  • [.osLog, file(maxFilesNumber: Int)]

Possible Values:
  • .nsLog: Apple NSLog

  • .osLog: Preferred Apple OSLog framework

  • file(maxFilesNumber: Int): Defines the maximum number of log files that will be created and stored in your application's Documents directory

    maxFilesNumber: Maximum number log files that are stored locally

    The maxFilesNumber must be a number within the following range: 1-200. If the value passed is outside of this range, the default value of 20 will be used.

Default: logMethods: [.nsLog, .file(maxFilesNumber: 20)]

Expand the following sections to learn more information about NSLog, OSLog, and the files.


The following screenshots show the Xcode debugger console and device logs when using the NSLog framework.

Xcode debugger console

Xcode debugger console

Device logs

Device logs


The following screenshots show the Xcode debugger console and device logs when using Apple's preferred OSLog framework.

Xcode debugger console

Xcode debugger console

Device logs

Device logs


This option defines the maximum number of log files that will be created and stored in your application's Documents directory. After exceeding this number, the logger will remove the oldest log file when creating a new log file.

The logger will create a file in either of the following conditions:

  • There are 100 items* to log.

    * An item is each message logged by OpenWeb, such as a simple line or full information about a network request. The level affects the data within each item and if the item is logged. Based on testing, level: .verbose will not generate log files that exceed 1.5MB.

  • The application has moved to the background.

The following screenshots are examples from inside a simulator directory.

Simulator directory

Simulator directory

Log file

Log file


With multiple-language support, OWLanguageStrategy allows you to set the language of the user interface for your audience.

var manager: OWManagerProtocol = OpenWeb.manager

var helpers: OWHelpers = manager.helpers

helpers.languageStrategy = OWLanguageStrategy
Setting Description
OWLanguageStrategy OWLanguageStrategy Defines the language of the user interface

See: OWLanguageStrategy


Ensuring that dates and numbers appear in familiar formats based on user preferences or device settings enhances the user experience. The OWLocaleStrategy enables you to set these preferences for your users.

var manager: OWManagerProtocol = OpenWeb.manager

var helpers: OWHelpers = manager.helpers

helpers.localeStrategy = OWLocaleStrategy
Setting Description
OWLocaleStrategy OWLocaleStrategy Defines the locale which will be used for dates and numbers formats

See: OWLocaleStrategy

Additional Configurations

For apps requiring tailored, publisher-specific setups, OpenWeb offers the flexibility of custom configurations. When applicable, your OpenWeb PSM will furnish the required values for the OWAdditionConfiguration.

var manager: OWManagerProtocol = OpenWeb.manager

var helpers: OWHelpers = manager.helpers

helpers.additionalConfigurations: [OWAdditionalConfiguration] = [] 
Setting Description
OWAdditionalConfiguration OWAdditionalConfiguration Defines custom, publisher-specific configurations

If needed for your app, your OpenWeb PSM will provide the necessary values for the OWAdditionConfiguration



typealias OWConversationCountersCompletion = (
  Result<[OWPostId: OWConversationCounter], OWError>
) -> Void


public struct OWConversationCounter {
  public let commentsNumber: Int
  public let repliesNumber: Int
Setting Description
commentsNumber Integer Number of comments
repliesNumber Integer Number of replies


Setting Description
.useDevice (Default) Uses the language defined on the user device
.use(language: OWSupportedLanguage) Permits defining the language of the user interface
.useServerConfig Uses the language defined in the Admin Panel


Setting Description
.useDevice (Default) Uses the locale defined on the user device
.use(locale: Locale) Permits defining the locale
.useServerConfig Uses the local defined in the Admin Panel, dictated by the language in the Admin Panel


Setting Description
OWSupportedLanguage string Options for setting the UI language

Possible Values:
  • .arabic
  • .english
  • .french
  • .hebrew
  • .portuguese
  • .spanish

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